There Used to be a Forest Here

There Used to be a Forest Here, 2D Art
There Used to be a Forest Here
There Used to be a Forest Here
This piece is based around the wildfires that have devastated the wildlife and population of California. California has always had issues with wildfires but because of the recent change in our climate due to the burning of fossil fuels it has exponentially increased. Fires such as the August Complex of 2020 and Dixie of 2021 burned over 700,000 acres of land together. This piece focuses on the land that has been burned and the life that came along with it. Over thousands of animals have died because of this as represented with the grizzly bear and her cub. The grizzly bear is the state animal of California so it not only represents animals but the life of the state itself which is being eaten away because of the aforementioned fires. The bears are surrounded by fire as the mother bear looks desperately around and her cub curls up next to her. This scene is to show the tragedy of their woods burning down. Luckily organizations such as the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection help protect natural areas by removing overgrown vegetation and promoting the welfare of the environment. Through many years of service they’ve helped save and regrow a lot of the forests and burnt lands.

2D Art    14 x 6   

Art Medium
colored pencil 2d
Art Description
two bears surrounded by wildfire


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